Food Pantry
Park Avenue Baptist Church
Mount Vernon, Illinois

Our Food Pantry is located next door to the church. It is a church sponsored and donation based organization run solely by volunteer workers, established in 1984. The success of our food pantry has been the result of many hours of hard work and prayer. We continue to strive to make the Park Avenue Baptist Church Food Pantry the best that it can be, serving this area for the glory of God.
Monday 1 – 3
Wednesday 1 – 3
Friday 1 – 3
We are closed on major holidays and when
schools are closed for bad weather.
We serve everyone who comes to us in need of food, as long as they
are willing to sign in and abide by our few simple rules. We expect clients
to abide by limits posted for various foods and to act in a respectful and
civilized manner toward staff members as well as other clients.
Park Avenue Baptist Church Food Pantry
1100 Partridge Pl, PO Box 866
Mt Vernon, IL 62864
Phone: 618-242-5068; 618-242-1882(Church)
Also see our facebook page